Friday, July 16, 2010

365 Days of Blessings - Day 47

365 Days of Blessings, Day 47
As usualy, unrelated, of the moment in my heart kind of blessings.

1. The Lord replaces our hearts of stone with hearts of flesh.

2. My husband shows up when I need him. He's not telepathic, so I have to ask, but when I do, he's there.

3. My kids are awesome! I know I say that in some way every day, but it's true. I've been blessed.

4. My oldest daughter has shared her favorite Bible verse with me twice in the last week. Isaiah 54:10 "'Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,' says the Lord, who has compassion on you."

5. My youngest daughter gave me a bit of attitude about bath-time last night, but she turned a corner later (after apologizing and bathing) when she asked for dessert. She said, "how many raspberries can I have for dessert if I have two hershey kisses?" (5-7 hershey kisses are considered a "normal" dessert size portion). I said, "as many as you want." Then she brought the entire half-flat down to our basement, and said, "I can have the whole box?" She didn't get to eat the whole box, but I am glad she thinks of raspberries as a dessert.

6. I may not have written as much as I wanted to this week, but I have had some good focus time on my writing in the midst of regular life threatening to take all my writing time away.

7. My teetering pile of paperwork from the countertop has been completely vanquished!!! Take that, you stinky pile of recyclable junk mail and out of date coupons!!!

8. It's a perfect temperature day, as long as you're moving.

9. I danced today when no one was watching . . . well, except my dogs and cat who are above such antics.

10. My Beagle, the escape artist, always returns . . .

Bonus Blessing: I feel like I understand my characters better this week in my WIP. They are coming to life under my every day care, and work. I've written outlines, drawn maps, and written a character index so I can keep track of those pesky minor character names.

"I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh." Ezekiel 36:26

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